domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2016

My next summer holidays.

I really don’t know if I will have holidays next summer, basically it depends of the money and the time that could have my parents. However, if there are money and time, without a doubt I will go to Puerto Montt and its near villages like practically all years.
You know thanks to other post how much I like this city; I think that it is a wonderful city and I have the 90% of my family here.
In this opportunity, I would visit principally my grandmothers because this year they have been ill and I have a great care towards them, and I don’t know if this occasion could be the last time that I will see and talk with them…
Probably in this opportunity I will visit all my family (uncles, aunts, cousins, etc.), go across the forests, go to Puerto Varas, Ensenada, Alerce and maybe go to Chamiza. In addition, I have plans for do boating, go all over the “Seno de Reloncaví”, and go to the “Volcan Calbuco” (trying to get close to the peak).
I would like to visit so much places in the beautiful X region, for example, a village called Puelo, which is next to the river with the same name and have a great fame like a natural place with wonderful landscapes. Same for “Contao” where I never have been, but I have family here, and I have listen stories about that this place is the perfect paradise for convert in a hermit.

Finally, I can mention with certainly that I will eat like a monster if I have holidays. I will have a diet based in traditional food of the zone, like different kinds of potatoes, fishes, “milcaos”, “cancatos” vegetables with real natural flavor and traditional desserts based in berries.

4 comentarios:

  1. Chiloe is a nice place to visit, but personally, i don't like milcaos, the only thing o don't like from Chiloe :D

  2. go to see the family is so nice, i do the same in my holidays!!

  3. I have family there too! maybe they know each others, the world is full of coincidence

  4. Uh, Puerto Montt, great city. When I go there, I like to go to Angelmó.
