domingo, 13 de noviembre de 2016

How to survive SDLE

The SDLE (Semana de la escuela) is the principal time when the students of dentistry of the Universidad de Chile celebrate in community. During this week there is a generalized blessed madness. This is totally out of the normality. The people change like if they put a mask only for this week. Basically there is live music, dance competitions (in general all type of competitions that you can imagine), and it is a moment when you can share experiences with friends or meet new people, obviously in the party there are alcohol, and it generates disarray. In general in that week all is absolutely crazy.

I really don’t have a manual that explain how survive to the SDLE, basically I have an incidental participation on it in the penultimate or the last day (I don’t remember). Only I can see a fight and people with beers in “Machu Picchu” at the beginning of the activity (if there is a beginning.). There are testimonies related with great alcohol consumption with the respective consequences at the next day. Even, people had talked about the participation of teachers and employees. A good advice is enjoy with responsibility, take care with things with a high value and be every time in group (although in this case probably you drink more alcohol.)

This week is well known in the university. Here come students of the other faculties and grades, is a good opportunity for meet new people. Remember whenever that we celebrate the foundation of our dentistry school and it has merit for be well celebrated.

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