domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2016

My favorite band (?)

I mentioned in another occasion that I don’t have a favorite band (I don´t remember when it was, probably in a past blog), basically because a band don’t have only good songs (always there is a song that, for me, is awful in particular bands or artists in general). In this occasion I will mention a band that I like so much, the most of them songs I like, and probably you do not know them or probably you have, in a moment of your life, listen a song of this band, but you don’t know that they created the song, this band is “Creedence Clearwater Revival”.

Well, this band was dissolved at the beginning of the 70’s and they have a short period of activity during the 60’s. The story of them fame is similar to The Beatles, like guys that suddenly have fame and popularity. But I think that they are underrated (and The Beatles are overrated), basically because them popularity was very short, but they, in my opinion have the same or more influence in the modern music, they revolutionized the rock and roll, mixing it with blues and country music, and they influenced in the creation of the grunge. They in summary have a great legacy with the songs and the influences, but they normally are forgotten.

I know this band thanks to my father and one of my uncles. Both of them had casettes of the band reordered from the radio and I remember, when I was a child, that my father put it in the stereo practically all the mornings of the weekends.

Here a compilation of them songs:

2 comentarios:

  1. I really like the song "Down on the corner" by them, it's very catchy haha

  2. A lot of artist suddenly appear, have their 5 min of fame and then dissapeared. But what can we do about it, nothing, we can't force people to like it; the best thing that we can do is to enjoy them while we can
