miércoles, 12 de octubre de 2016

The best holiday of my life.

My holidays usually are entertaining because all holydays I go with my family to Puerto Montt and/or Valdivia to meet my uncles, aunts, cousins and grandparents, also I think that these cities are a great place for a rest, and the barbecues, “curantos”, desserts, and all the foods are delicious.
The best holiday, for me, was the last one (year 2015-2016) because after the P.S.U. I had so much time to rest and I did more activities than a normal holiday in this time I went to Puerto Montt for 3 weeks, went to a great pool with toboggans and slices; I ate out almost all days, and went to a Fantasilandia like park 3 times (!).

I went to these places with my family except my dad that had to work. In Puerto Montt, I ate a lot of home-made food, went to Angelmó (A typical market) where I ate too, and fished with an uncle with an extreme cold weather (and we ate the fishes).

This year also we went to Puerto Varas, where we visited a nice antiques museum, swam in the “Llanquihue” lake.

3 comentarios:

  1. I went to Valdivia few years ago, i liked the boat trip by the river :)

  2. South is amazing! I love traveling there for holidays :)

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
