miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2016

My hobbies

There was a time where I had a lot of hobbies, today a few of these survive basically thanks to the university routine and generally for problems of time.
I can say that my principal hobbie is watch TV because I can rest and there are channels with good content. Usually I watch documentary films about science, tecnology and history including reality shows that I found funny and/or interesting.

Also I watch, practically all the weekends sport events, principally football (Premier league, La Liga), motorsport events (Formula One, Indycar) and athletics events (like the Diamond league).
Other hobbie that I have is play baby-football (but there is a long time since I played it the last time). Before begin to study in the university I used to search, with my friends any court and played with anyone that was in the court or near. Actually I meet with some friends for running and sometimes we play videogames in a Playstation.

The last hobbie that I can mention is about my collection of model cars. The collection is not very big, but reminds me my childhood because my first toy was a car, and cars whenever were my favourite toys (you can see that every time I have been surrounded for a passion for cars and any thing with wheels). Actually, thanks to the price of the university, this collection is “frozen”.

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