jueves, 27 de octubre de 2016

My future work

You know i’m studying dentistry. I like so much help people a them problems related with the oral cavitty (I had a lot of problems, a supernumerary tooth and orthodontics problems, and I know how it feels). In general in Chile there are a lot of problems related with health access (Not only in odontology, also there are problems in all medical specialities). The health in this country is expensive, there are few professionals and are range problems. There are cities (not towns or villages) that have an embarrassing public health system, and there are not private clinics, and if exist a clinic, it is over-demanding and have a high price for the patient.

In the short run I would like to have a speciality and work so much and with this job save money and in the long term, maybe when I become an old man, I would like to found a medical and dental clinic for help people that can’t pay high price for a private clinic, or simply in them regional cities there are not public and private health. (Preferentially in cities in the south of Chile, like Osorno, Chiloé, Coyhaique or Punta Arenas for example). I can imagine a medium-sized build with me and my colleagues (maybe my classmates) attending people in dental boxes and a complete team of medical, kinesiology and therapist specialists. About the money, I think that couldn’t be a problem with this job. The most important thing would be the health, the happiness and the confort of the pacient.

miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2016

My hobbies

There was a time where I had a lot of hobbies, today a few of these survive basically thanks to the university routine and generally for problems of time.
I can say that my principal hobbie is watch TV because I can rest and there are channels with good content. Usually I watch documentary films about science, tecnology and history including reality shows that I found funny and/or interesting.

Also I watch, practically all the weekends sport events, principally football (Premier league, La Liga), motorsport events (Formula One, Indycar) and athletics events (like the Diamond league).
Other hobbie that I have is play baby-football (but there is a long time since I played it the last time). Before begin to study in the university I used to search, with my friends any court and played with anyone that was in the court or near. Actually I meet with some friends for running and sometimes we play videogames in a Playstation.

The last hobbie that I can mention is about my collection of model cars. The collection is not very big, but reminds me my childhood because my first toy was a car, and cars whenever were my favourite toys (you can see that every time I have been surrounded for a passion for cars and any thing with wheels). Actually, thanks to the price of the university, this collection is “frozen”.

miércoles, 12 de octubre de 2016

The best holiday of my life.

My holidays usually are entertaining because all holydays I go with my family to Puerto Montt and/or Valdivia to meet my uncles, aunts, cousins and grandparents, also I think that these cities are a great place for a rest, and the barbecues, “curantos”, desserts, and all the foods are delicious.
The best holiday, for me, was the last one (year 2015-2016) because after the P.S.U. I had so much time to rest and I did more activities than a normal holiday in this time I went to Puerto Montt for 3 weeks, went to a great pool with toboggans and slices; I ate out almost all days, and went to a Fantasilandia like park 3 times (!).

I went to these places with my family except my dad that had to work. In Puerto Montt, I ate a lot of home-made food, went to Angelmó (A typical market) where I ate too, and fished with an uncle with an extreme cold weather (and we ate the fishes).

This year also we went to Puerto Varas, where we visited a nice antiques museum, swam in the “Llanquihue” lake.

lunes, 3 de octubre de 2016

Why I'd like to visit Italy?

I think Italy could be entertaining and wonderful, it's a perfect country for a travel and tours. You know that it is in Europe, have ancient cities with popular monuments, have a legendary and mythical history but at the same time, Italy seems a modern country with a great progress and have interesting things or activities. I believe that is impossible to get bored there.

Personally I’d like to go for holidays like a tourist, in this case I’d go over their hills, mountains and forests and look over their landscapes. Also I would go to the principal city like Rome, Torino, Naples, and maybe the Vatican City (Although I’m not Catholic and technically it is another country) and go to the principal monuments, like the colosseum, the Roman forum and the Pisa tower. Also there is another activities that I ‘d like to do, for example, eat traditional Italian food, go to museums, and go to greatest events like concerts of all type of music, football matches (Juventus vs Inter) and motorsport events, like exhibitions or the Formula One.