viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2016

English languages challenges

This is the last post. The semester is practically finished and, with it, English must be finish with an analysis of the experience of the course.
Personally, I think that was a great experience again. The class were very didactic and the most of time, entertaining and interesting. In addition, the classes were useful for talk with my partners about what like them (hobbies, music, etc.) and them problems.
The model of learning based in the interaction between the teacher and the class, and the creation of blogs motivate the learning and definitely are more “educational” that a class in the school. Probably I learned more English with this method in a year than all I had leant during all my scholar life.
The only negative aspect of the classes were probably the lost time when we must to study another difficult subject (principally anatomy-biology BAyB), although the teacher give us all the facilities when we were in stressed weeks and we didn’t have time.
About what I must to improve in English... definitely the listening. I have ever problems for understand people when they speak in English naturally. English have words with very similar pronunciation and have many monosyllabic words, and this don´t help or do more difficult the learning. The vocabulary is another important aspect and this is a complement of the anterior point. It is practically infinite, so is important to learn and practice it during all life.
Outside of the English class and inside the academic aspect this language is very relevant. I use the English principally for the reading of papers and scientific publications in all the subjects. In my free time outside the university, I use it for watch videos, listen music, understand “Memes” and all the things related with the mass media in general.

Epilogue: I really don´t like English, but I understood that is necessary for the life. English  will follow me ever and I have only the option of coexist with it and take advantage of this knowledge.

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